Part 3a - Polishing Your Audio (Special Effects)
NOTE: When doing this, make sure you are only editing your acapella in Single-Track Mode
Demon Voice
I figured this one out myself. It is VERY dope for intros/outros and skits. If you have ever seen the Exorcist, this procedure will make your voice sound like the girl who was possesed by the demons in her bed. First you have to bend your pitch. To do that, goto:
Transform > Time/Pitch > Strech
Select the preset called "Lower Pitch" and you are ready to hit OK. You should notice your voice will now be deep. Now, for the biggest and dopest change of this whole process! Goto:
Transform > Delay Effects > Delay
Set the preset to "The Exorcist!" and hit OK
Thunder God Voice
I figured this one out myself. Alot of people have started asking me how to do this after Warbux did it on his Monkey B skits. I personally think it is/was played out, but I'm adding it here so people won't have to ask me about this anymore. First, you have to edit your pitch. To do that, goto:
Transform > Time/Pitch > Strech
Select the preset called "Lower Pitch" and you are ready to hit OK. You should notice your voice will now be deep. Now, for the biggest and dopest change of this whole step! Goto:
Transform > Delay Effects > Delay
Set the preset to "Vocal Presence 2" and hit OK.
Chipmunk Voice
I figured this one out myself. Alot of people have started asking me how to do this after Warbux did it on his Monkey B skits. I personally think it is/was played out, but I'm adding it here so people won't have to ask me about this anymore. First you have to bend your pitch. To do that, goto:
Transform > Time/Pitch > Strech
Select the preset called "Helium" and you are ready to hit OK. You should notice your voice will now be high. Now, for the biggest and dopest change of this whole step! Goto:
Transform > Delay Effects > Delay
Set the preset to "Vocal Presence 2" and hit OK.
Phone Effect
Most people know how to do this already or know what it does. It makes your vocals sound like they were recorded over the phone. It's very nice for skits. To use it, goto:
Transform > Filters > FFT Filter
Select the preset, "Get Off The Phone!" and hit OK. Now your voice will sound like phone quality. To add the finishing touch, I go to:
Transform > Delay Effects > Delay
Set the preset to "Vocal Presence" and hit OK. Naturally, with both of these filters mixed, you will lose volume in your vocals. You should re-Normalize your vocals, to do this, goto:
Transform > Amplitude > Normalize
Set the Normalize level to 100% and hit OK.
Skit Tips
When you are doing skits that are based on live situations, such as live conversations or talking to someone, you want it to sound realistic. To do this, you are going to need the DirectX plugin, AIPL SpinCycle2. This program edits your vocals to make it seem as if your mic was placed in the position you chose during pre-recording. That's the best I can explain it with. If you have this plug-in installed, goto:
Transform > DirectX > AIPL SpinCyle2
Select the "[default]" preset and change the Mic Placement to "50, 68" by raising the meter on the left of the visual slightly. Now change the Crossover to "810 Hz" and press the ProSound button in. Hit OK.
*NOTE: You should hit Add Preset before pressing OK so the next time you use this plug-in, you can load it directly from the Presets list.*
Try as much as possible to add realistic sounds in your skits as well. For example, if you are basing your skit on being in the park, insert samples of the wind blowing, birds chirping, people walking by, and dogs barking. Normalize these types of sounds to a suitable level and mix them far apart so it seems more like a realistic setting.